Eid prayer at Aaje Ologo Ogbomoso for first time, as Alaaje speaks on Tinubu

Eid prayer at Aaje Ologo Ogbomoso for first time, as Alaaje speaks on Tinubu
Jeremiah OYELEKE
Aaje Ologo in Ogbomoso North local government area of Oyo state witnessed an historic event Wednesday as Islamic faithful in the town held their Eid prayer in the community for the first time ever to mark the 2023 Eid -Kabir.

Alaaje (middle) and his chiefs at the praying ground

The eid prayer held at the field of Aaje Basic School was led by the Imam of the community Alfa Tajudeen Sadiq Alarape.
“It is a good development for our community,” a Muslim brother who gave his name as Kashim told ogbomosoinsightonline.com.
“Alaaje of Aaje, Oba Reuben Adesina Amao, though a Christian, has done wonderfully well to make this happen,” Kashim added.

HRH Alaaje of Aaje-Ologo, Oba Amao Osunbiyi Amao 1 fsi, DSS Director rtd. JP, reacting said the development was to foster unity and cooperation among Christians and Muslims in the community, while informing he is putting together a committee to be tagged Religious Affairs Committee that will see to religious understanding in Aaje.
“Today, we are laying the foundation of oneness in Aaje. We will form a religious committee to be tagged Religious Affairs Committee which will settle all religious matters in Aaje. The committee will be saddled with the assignment of fostering religious harmony in the community.
“In a few weeks we will constitute this committee that will compose of leaders of both religions – Christianity and Islam – and the chiefs. We went to the prayer ground with them and everyone is happy. Aaje Muslim Ummah chose the Imam and I approved it after Muslim leaders in Ogbomoso affirmed it, he will soon be turbaned.”

Oba Amao thanked the Muslim Ummah for supporting him thus far praying effusively for them and wishing them Barka De Sallah.
He noted he had donated land for permanent eid praying ground expressing belief the next eid prayer would be held there.
Meanwhile, there was the presence of large security operatives at the prayer ground and when asked why, Alaaje explained, “It’s to prevent crisis. There are certain elements who were opposed to this. I gave plots of land as prayer ground for the Muslim community in the town but some people went to the Area Commander to lie that there would be trouble.
“But l told the Area Commander that there won’t be anything of such. I am a retired state director of State Security Service (SSS) covering five states at a time. If I was able to manage security in five states how much more a community!
“That’s why we invited security agents to witness what would happen and we thank God there was no crisis. That is why we have the presence of security agents.”

He reiterated late Oba Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade III JP CON CFR, Soun of Ogbomosoland, approved the creation of Aaje chiefdom and government validated it.
He added, “Baba Soun approved my installation before my retirement from service but we agreed that the installation ceremony would be held after I retire. After my installation, I was suspended by government when there was trouble but I was restored after the truth was unveiled.
“I am the Alaaje of Aaje Ologo, put on the stool by the whole family. Why we also brought security is because of what happened at our second community in Aaje-Ogunbado. And on that I had taken steps to prevent recurrence.”
On the poor condition of access road to Aaje, he said the road was rehabilitated last year while stating that they had appealed to the government to pave the road with tar.
“We voted for Engr. Seyi Makinde in Aaje because of his marvelous performance in his first tenure and for Hon Bisi Oluranti BOOM as member House of Assembly. We have made representation to them that the road be paved with asphalt, we trust God they will hearken to us.”
Asked to comment on the administration of President Bola Tinubu, Oba Amao disclosing he once worked with Tinubu while he was SSS director in Lagos state, affirmed the president is a visionary, brilliant person who would rejuvenate Nigeria.


“Our president Bola TInubu is my boss. When I was state director of SSS at Shangisa, Lagos, he was the governor, I worked with him and I handled the election that brought in Governor Raji Fasola (SAN). I know him very well.
“What will happen in 20 years President Tinubu would start the planning today, he is brilliant and strategic. He surrounds himself with brilliant people. And he rewards good deeds done to him, he doesn’t forget people. He will reform Nigeria.
“When my second daughter got married he did not come but was represented by three persons and gave me a huge monetary gift. I voted for him in the presidential election like I voted Makinde in the governorship election though as traditional rulers we are not expected to be partisan.”
Chief Babatunde Moses Oladapo, Jagun Aaje Ologo, expressed happiness over the success of the eid prayer saying it is the first time such will be held in Aaje.
He consequently commended Oba Amao for making this possible.

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