Proposed relocation of LAUTECH agric faculty to Iseyin: Students write open letter to Makinde

Proposed relocation of LAUTECH agric faculty to Iseyin: Students write open letter to Makinde


Students of the faculty of agricultural sciences Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Oyo state, have written an open letter to the governor of the state Engr Seyi Makinde, giving reasons why the proposed relocation of their 33 year-old faculty to Iseyin in Oke-Ogun area is undesirable.

The letter titled “Preserving educational equality: Upholding students’ rights by retaining the faculty of agricultural sciences in Ogbomoso,” signed by president of their association, Nigerian Association of Agricultural Students (NAAS), Olukitibi Oluwatoba Israel, emphatically called on the governor to reconsider the decision.

This came in the heels of a protest held Tuesday by the students in the university against the planned relocation.

The students pointed out the move would compromise the educational standard in the faculty due to issues bordering on safety and well being of students and staff, disruptions in locality and research rythm equilibriums, deprivation of peace of mind necessary for academic excellence, severance of shared values with host community capable of eliciting adverse effects, disintegration in family settings and lives of lecturers which they noted will further inflict adversity on quality education among others.

The students as a result passionately appealed to the governor to seek alternative solutions “that can address the educational aspirations of Iseyin without sacrificing the integrity and legacy of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Ogbomoso.”


The letter read:

“Education is the key to unlocking the potential of our youth, and we must ensure that they have access to the resources and environment necessary to thrive.” – Dr. John Doe.


Respected Governor Seyi Makinde, as the President of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), I write to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed relocation of our esteemed faculty from Ogbomoso to Iseyin. This move would have grave consequences for both the students and staff, impacting their safety, well-being, livelihoods, and the legacy that have been painstakingly built. I appeal to your empathetic leadership to reconsider this decision, acknowledging the significance of our faculty and the detrimental effects this relocation would entail.


Security and Well-being of Students and Staff:


“The safety and well-being of our students and staff should always be our foremost priority.” Prof Jane Smith.


Relocating the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences to Iseyin would expose our students and staff to an increased risk of insecurity. Ogbomoso has been a relatively secure environment for our academic pursuits, fostering a conducive atmosphere for learning, research, and personal growth, and this is due to your investment and contribution to security of lives and Properties in our Dear state.


Disrupting this equilibrium would burden us with concerns about adapting to a new locale, compromising the peace of mind necessary for focused academic pursuits. We urge you to consider the emotional and psychological toll this upheaval would inflict on both the current and future generations of agricultural scholars.


Preserving a Legacy and Livelihoods:


“History and heritage must be safeguarded, for they provide the foundation upon which progress is built.”


Ogbomoso holds a rich agricultural legacy, and our faculty’s presence here has been an integral part of preserving and perpetuating this heritage. The close relationship between our faculty and the local community has been mutually beneficial ever since it inception in year 1991, nurturing a symbiotic ecosystem that promotes knowledge exchange, economic growth, and cultural preservation. Relocating the faculty would sever these vital ties, robbing both the community and our students of the shared prosperity that has been fostered over the years.

Adapting to New Environments:

“Change is inevitable, but we must ensure that it is implemented in a manner that supports the well-being and growth of those affected.” – Prof Sarah Adams.


Relocating an established faculty poses numerous challenges, not only for the students but also for the dedicated staff who have invested years of their lives in building a thriving academic community. Moving to an unfamiliar location would disrupt their personal lives, uprooting families, and potentially forcing them to seek new employment opportunities. The toll of adapting to a new environment would hinder their ability to deliver quality education and research, jeopardizing the integrity and reputation of our faculty.


Seeking Equitable Solutions:


“Equity demands that we balance the needs of different communities, ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for all.” – Dr. David Brown.


Governor Makinde, we humbly request that you explore alternative solutions that can address the educational aspirations of Iseyin without sacrificing the integrity and legacy of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Ogbomoso. Establishing a new faculty which deals with NEW Arts and Social Courses in Iseyin would provide equitable access to education, empowering students from that region while maintaining the invaluable educational environment and cultural connections that we have nurtured in Ogbomoso.


Governor Seyi Makinde, we implore you to reflect upon the profound implications of relocating the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences from Ogbomoso to Iseyin. The well-being and future of our students and staff depend on your thoughtful consideration of these concerns. Let us work together to find a solution that upholds our shared commitment to educational excellence and cultural preservation.


My earnest prayer is for this letter to reach and actions be taken.


Thanks so much Our Amiable and Caring Governor.




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