Ogbomoso Parapo president speaks on plans for 3 new projects, sets priority

Ogbomoso Parapo president speaks on plans for Ajilete Varsity, Akintola House, passport office


President of Egbe Omo Ogbomoso Parapo Agbaaye, Justice Afolabi Adeniran (rtd) sparked excitement during the December 26 annual general meeting of the socio-cultural association when he unveiled plans for a private university to be named “Ajilete University” as well as the construction of a building complex to be styled “Akintola House” in memory of the late Premier of the Western Region, Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, the Ogbomoso-born mercurial politician who died in Nigeria’s first military coup on January 15, 1966.

Many contemporary cities have private universities but Ogbomoso lacks one which is a source of concern to some patriots.

Thus, Justice Adeniran breaking the topic during the AGM held at Ogunlola Hall Oja’gbo, Ogbomoso, inspired enthusiasm.

Late Samuel Ladoke Akintola

But he did not give details. ogbomosoinsihhtonline.com subsequently reached out to him on phone during which he shed more light on the matter just as he spoke on the construction of the immigration office recently approved for the community.

He maintained the organization is actually focusing on three projects in the interim.


“We actually have three things in the pipeline,” he said.

“The federal government has approved opening of immigration office in Ogbomoso. They said we have to build the house, they sent us the plan and we want it done before the government that approves it leaves.

“We want to start with that. That is where people can go, collect passport and all that. We have got land at Wazo market for the project. I am planning to inspect the land, we want to start and complete it quickly so that it can take off.

“Thereafter, the Akintola House is a complex to immortalize late Chief S.L. Akintola. It will have shopping malls, hotel rooms, offices, shops and the rest. We have gotten land for it because this idea came when Chief L.A. Gbadamosi was president, so they got land for the purpose. We are trying to get its documents.


“Then the university l also mentioned, it is not my own idea alone. Quite a lot of people are of the view that we ought to have a sort of Ajilete University. We said we will initiate it and bring all other social clubs so it will be an Ogbomoso affair not just Parapo’s. The university will be for all of us. We seek our people’s cooperation.”

In respect of the passport office, ogbomosoinsightonline.com gathered that a public-spirited individual has already donated 10,000 blocks towards project, the person it is learnt also facilitated the project.

These are beautiful ideas, but can they be actualized? Nothing is possible!

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