Stinking! Looting or auctioning at Ogbomoso Waterworks? As another 40 pipes reportedly carted away

Stinking! Looting or auctioning at Ogbomoso Waterworks? As another 40 pipes reportedly carted away
Shrouded in shadiness best describes the Oyo State Water Corporation, Ogbomoso Water Supply Scheme. Happenings in recent times at the district point to shady deals going on and it appears as if the last ounce of assets at the place is in the process of being “cleaned off.”

The little vigilance by some patriots in the community so far seems to be the saving grace staving off what appears like “systematic looting” of the place.
Properties of the water supply scheme are being removed at an alarming rate in the name of “bonding” or is it auctioning? Only recently, 40 pipes are said to have been carted away.
Four months ago about 80 pipes were already loaded into an articulated vehicle before the “deal” was busted, thanks to the vigilance of vigilante men, who quickly raised alarm. The perpetrators were apprehended but regained freedom shortly after when their “bosses” showed up.
Stakeholders in the community grilled Festus Alade, leading to the suspects being arraigned but it seems they have been off the hook.

Two weeks ago when a similar thing reoccurred it was swept under the carpet again fueling suspicions that some powerful people are behind the malaise.
“There are collaborators in Ogbomoso,” a top shot at the Water Board headquarters in Ibadan, the state capital, who however would not want his name in print told
Also, the chairman of the state’s waterboard, Hon Moruf Akinwande, when contacted on the matter insisted he could not be in Ibadan and at the same time be in Ogbomoso revealing an Ogbomoso indigene is the Ogbomoso scheme manager.
Hon Akinwande however washed his hands clean of approving auctioning of any pipes at the district.
“Count me out of such, l am not aware of any approval to dispose of any properties. If there is approval on auctioning or removal of any items it can only be broken down vehicles and other obsolete items. Go and ask for approved list of items to be auctioned,” he said while speaking with
It is indeed a complicated matter but simple to unravel.
Let the state government comes in and look into the matter by way of investigation.

During the regime of late Chief Adebayo Alao-Akala, contract for the rejuvenation of the Ogbomoso Water Scheme was awarded to an indigenous company – Eurobel – the company bought the pipes as part of the project but the project was never delivered.
The water corporation boss insisted the pipes are never properties of the corporation since the contractor never delivered on the project but “still they shouldn’t be carted away unless it is with the agreement of the contractor,” it was stated.
There are serious allegations that a lot of powerful people, including socio-cultural associations, individuals, groups and even security agencies in the city have been compromised on the festering issue and hence the heist continues.
But the man at the centre of the whole thing Mr. Festus Alade the acclaimed state auctioneer has continued to claim no wrong is being done, he even stated last time that the chairman of Ogbomoso North local government, Hon Kabir Ayoade, was aware of his activities.
Nonetheless something is not right, why should the Ogbomoso Water Supply Scheme be embedded in controversy over looting or auctioning of the community’s patrimony?
People should come out clean, Oyo state government should urgently intervene to untie the knot.

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