By Minkail OLAITAN
The bridge between being a
Cub and a tiger is growth,
I call it time of diligent hunting,
Time of parchment and crying
Stomach, not for food or wine
But for the cub to become heir in the Tiger clan.
In this poem, Ayodeji, I form words
Into riddles; pressing you into
Several folds of cryptics, don’t forget
Tiger must be unpredictably wise
And confident to unfold and unearth
Life’s manifold of mysteries.
Lamiju, you are the heir, time says.
Multitude mouths are one of the
Thousands of ways, speak God. Remember David’s name in the mouths of Israelites
After the fall of Goliath – Saul stumbled, David rose. Indeed, in multitude mouths
God’s prophecy comes to the past.
I call you Tiger, for age celebration
Could be a naming rite. For growth
Birth transformation and transformation a Mother of responsibility. Ageing,
Olamijuwonlo, Tiger; your palm is a route to a shining city of benevolence, kindness, and love. Another reason for your qualification.
I know of your father, I know of you,
Have I not known two things as one,
Have l not seen hope showing forth in the horizon twice. Today, I see you –
You explore than your father,
I see you foist comfort flag for the less-privileged,
I see you as a bright sunshine in the political exilic night, paving ways, clear and smooth.
Handsome son of Agaja. Tiger, The Crown of Hadiza their daughter in Okoya’s clan.
Live long, keep shining like God’s face.
Keep blooming like Lilly by the riverside,
Be volant like an eagle, be limitless.
Be valiant like your father, Tiger – seek
For the crown. It’s your birthday, Ojuoloore
I see God stamping yes on all your secret prayers.