Ogbomoso youths plan interactive session with elected officials on stewardship

In its unrelenting desire to change the narrative of Ogbomoso in the socio, political and economic aspects, Ogbomoso Community Youth Forum (OCYF), has come out with a programme to keep our elected officials on their toes.

The programme tagged, “Stewardship Peep: An Interactive Session With Youths,” according to a press release signed by Rev’d Peter Olaleye and Comrade Adeniji Idowu, OCYF’s president and secretary respectively, is to publicly engage elected representatives of Ogbomoso, so they can apprise the electorate of their activities and contributions to the development of their constituencies.
“The public interactive session is targeted at affording us (by us, we mean the general public) the opportunity of gaining insight into the activities of our representatives since assuming the responsibility of representing us.
”Without saying, it will be an avenue for them also to unveil their contributions towards moving the constituency forward and bringing development to the state in general.”
The release assured that the aim was not to witch-hunt anyone noting, “If you can submit yourself to be voted for, you should also have no qualms submitting yourself to be asked of how you have represented us.”
It is further stated that it will be an avenue for the targetted class to highlight the constraints they are facing that are hamstringing them in their constitutional callings “so that a common solution can be found.”
OCYF adds, “On our part, we will be able to highlight issues we feel can be beneficial to the constituency, and which can be pushed. Looking at matters from different perspectives, we believe, will enable us to collectively chart a path forward, a path that can engender the desired development.”
Meanwhile, the youth group informs that the dates, venues and modalities will be communicated later though clarifying that it will be separate sessions for the individual representatives.
“Our aims and objectives include being the hand of the generality of our people in warding off social injustice, through peaceful advocacy and encouraging our representatives to be responsible to their constitutional callings. It’s in accordance with these that we are seeking an audience with our representatives,” the group affirms, while giving assurance that the interactive session “is going to be a healthy session and won’t be a forum for witch-hunting.
“We hope they will see beyond the narrow prism and embrace this interventionist programme for the progress of our community.”
OCYF, it will be recalled spearheaded the struggle against the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, IBEDC, recently in Ogbomoso, over unsatisfactory services and also facilitated the payment of compensation to the family of a girl killed at Oja’jagun by a car in the convoy of Oyo state governor, Engr Seyi Makinde last May among other intervention activities.


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