Moses Ayantunji Foundation lifts pupils with writing materials, this is phase one, founder assures

Moses Ayantunji Foundation (MAF) has distributed writing materials including 60-leaves exercise books and pens to hundreds of pupils of primary schools in Ogbomoso North local government.

Hon Moses Ayantunji with some beneficiaries

MAF founder (right) with head teacher of Masifa DC Basic School, Prince Wale
At Osupa Baptist Day Basic School with the head teacher and pupils
Another set of beneficiaries

The event which came up recently saw the benefactor, Hon. Moses Ayangbade Ayantunji, who is founder and chairman of MAF, visiting the four schools in which the beneficiaries were drawn, during which he handed over the items to them.
Pupils of Osupa Baptist Day Basic School 1 and 2, Bolanta Nursery and Basic School and Masifa DC Basic School, were the beneficiaries in the first phase of the programme, with a promise to hold another phase in which more pupils would benefit in other schools just as Hon Ayantunji assured that pupils in Ogbomoso South and Oriire local governments, would also benefit in the nearest future.

Ayantunji, who is believed to be eyeing the House of Representatives’ seat to represent Ogbomoso North/South/Oriire federal constituency charged while addressing teachers and pupils in each of the schools that the pupils had a chance to be great in life.
He urged the young ones should always be motivated while canvassing against neglecting them.
He added, “The goal of the foundation is to help the community and one of the ways of achieving that is the distribution done today. Next time, we’ll come with more goodies.”
Continuing, Ayantunji stated, “Education is the only way to greatness and to achieve that greatness, children need to pay a very good attention to their studies. One of the ways to help them is by providing writing materials that can aid their studies.”
To further motivate the students to be passionate about education, he told the pupils that he attended Masifa D.C. Basic School, Orita-Naira, “which is a public school as you are attending, but I want to emphasize that you can be great but greatness can only be achieved through a perpetual focus on education.”
At Osupa Baptist Day Basic School (1 & 2), he disclosed his foundation was still willing to give out a token of N50, 000 (fifty thousand naira), N30, 000 (thirty thousand naira) and N20, 000 (twenty thousand naira) for outstanding pupils in primary six, promising the mentioned sums for first, second and third positions respectively.
While speaking with, the MAF foundation’s founder and chairman said that though the foundation was birthed last year, it had among others distributed school uniforms at Bolanta Nursery and Basic School, assuring “this is the beginning of the foundation’s goodness to the community.”
He noted government alone could not help communities develop, “good-spirited individuals need to partner with government to develop our communities and that is what we are doing.”

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