Femi Onireti lauded as he commissioned 3 boreholes in Ogbomoso, promises more goodies

A philanthropist, Mr. Femi Onireti, has donated three 5,000-litre capacity boreholes to the people of Tewure, Akata and Osupa in Oriire, Ogbomoso North and Ogbomoso South local government areas respectively.
Onireti, who is based in the United States of America, speaking at the commissioning ceremonies of the borehole projects last Sunday said the donation was to contribute his quota towards addressing the perennial water shortage in the communities.

Femi Onireti (second right) flanked by associates

Onireti, founder and chairman of Femi Onireti Foundation, also stressed that the water is not to be sold just as he promised to continually undertake the maintenance of the boreholes.
“We took the decision to embark on the borehole projects to alleviate the problem of water that is associated with the areas especially as we go into the dry season.
“I must put it emphasis on it however that the water must not be sold, water is free. We will bear the responsibility of maintaining the projects and people should not be burdened with the cost of maintenance.”
Speaking at the inauguration at Akata, chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at Akata ward, Mr. Israel Dare commended the donor, wondering why someone who is not in government would execute such capital-intensive project, adding, “He is writing a good history about himself, should he decide to vie for any post in future, Akata ward will not hesitate to support him.”
Also chairman of PDP in Ogbomoso South local government, Apostle Moses Olamoyegun (JP), lauded the gesture of Onireti while charging the community to ensure good use of the borehole and its protection from vandals; this is just as he urged the people to ensure they return the favour in future.

Mr. Dare Adeleke, chairman, Trans City Transport Corporation (TCTC), Oyo state, also noted at the inaugurations: “Femi Onireti is a special breed, he is not in government and he is doing all these things, it is something else, it is commendable, if he should find himself in government I am sure he will do magically. Let us continue to pray for him.”
From Tewure, to Akata, to Osupa, the commissioning ceremonies witnessed a large turn out with people singing the praises of Onireti, who has been making impact in the lives of the people with his philanthropic gestures since his ‘intrusion’ into Ogbomoso landscape.

Alhaji Taofeeq Aolalubarika who represented Alhaja Mulika Adeola commissioning the Osupa borehole

Recently, he staged an empowerment programme which featured distribution of motorcycles, hair dryers, barbing clippers, deep freezers etc as well as making cash donations to scores of women. Last year he paid hospital bills of stranded patients at Bowen University Teaching Hospital (BUTH), Ogbomoso, donated diapers, beverages and other food items at BUTH and Lepers’ Colony.
Commending Onireti at Akata, a resident, Mrs. Kikelomo Oladejo disclosed, “We used to suffer water but this provision of borehole by Hon Onireti will alleviate our problem. In fact, from Akata we used to trek to Ore-Merin to fetch water. Onireti has done well for us, if he needs our electoral support in future we will surely support him.”
Similarly, Ahmed Fatimo stated that the donor had done a marvelous thing for them praying “God will make him succeed in his political endeavours.”
This is just as Olusola Adigun and Rasak Salami heaped accolades on him for the “wonderful gesture.”

In an interview with The Insight, Onireti reiterates that he loves to assist people from what God has blessed him with assuring that he won’t stop in doing so as long as he is blessed by the almighty.
“Like I have always said, I started a long time ago, since when I was little, I have always loved to be a giver and I’m just trying to give back part of the little God has blessed me with and during this dry season when water scarcity becomes acute, we are only trying to help in our little way.
“So far God is still blessing me I will never stop, I will continue and continue and continue and continue.”
Asked if he plans to contest in 2023 he retorted, “The main thing for me is to get close to my people and if it is by contesting that will make me get close to the people so be it. But it is not a do-or-die thing, no.”
He revealed that he was actually fulfilling a promise he made during his empowerment programme in October, that he would provide boreholes to three communities before the end of the year, “I need to tell you that the borehole projects were completed in only two weeks,” he added.
He emphasized it would be a continuous thing saying, “By the grace of God it is a continuous thing, like I said we are not going to stop, we are going to do more, we have plans and we are doing it step by step.”

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