OCYF to launch Ogbomoso youth employments database on Sunday

OCYF to launch Ogbomoso youth employments database on Sunday
Ogbomoso Community Youth Forum (OCYF) is set to launch a database for youths in Ogbomoso zone towards increasing accessibility to employment opportunities.
According to a statement signed by Rev’d Peter Olaleye, Comrade Adeniji Idowu and Adeniran Adebayo, president, secretary and PRO of the association respectively, the creation of the database has become imperative in view of the need to promptly have access to youths seeking employments from our land.
Explaining further, the statement reads, “We came up with this initiative to tidy up the effort to facilitate employments for youths in Ogbomoso zone.
“There are occasions when requests will come that we submit names of qualified youths for employment opportunities and we will start looking for youths with requisite qualifications, which often waste time and at times we may not even get qualified candidates at that particular time.

Rev’d Peter Olaleye

“So, if we have a data base we will promptly scan through and access names of qualified persons.
“Also, the data base will serve to eliminate marginalization of youths in their efforts to secure employments especially those coming through political office holders.
“Some people we have found out monopolize such opportunities for personal gains. OCYF is for all youths in the land and we are committed to providing equal opportunities for all.
“The progress and development of Ogbomosoland is what we stand for and a good way to achieve that we believe is helping youths secure employments through our people in governments and in the private sectors so that when they get to the top too they will also have good reasons to give back to the society and invest in the lives of the coming generations.”

The programme for the launch of the database is scheduled to hold on Sunday, December 4, starting 4pm at Ogbomoso Recreation Club, Poat Area.
Some eminent personalities are expected to attend the event some of whom will address youths on employment opportunities in their establishments, the statement adds.
A link through which personal information can be submitted by interested youths to a dedicated site for the creation of the database will be launched on the day.
“We hope to make success of this initiative through dedication and commitment,” Rev’d Olaleye told ogbomosoinsightonline.com.later in a telephone interview.

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