An open letter to Sunday Dare & others over youth restiveness in Ogbomoso

Amartya Sen’s is an Indian economist who developed the model of development as that of enhancement of human freedom to lead lives that they have reasons to live. His economic model won him the prestigious Nobel Laureate for Economics in 1998; this model was passionately developed to promote the economy of the developing countries and bridge the gap of inequalities between the rich and the poor.
Nigeria as a nation adopted several models of economic development which have not translated into any meaningful effect despite spending billions of naira to promote and institutionalize these developmental programmes. Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, Vision 2020 and the likes have failed to bring progress the country.
The failure in governance and the increasing gap of inequalities in the country have resulted into the present prevailing crisis which is gradually becoming a menace to our society. Ogbomoso is not insulated from this incongruous menace, this inadequacy reflected during the EndSARS imbroglio when our peaceful community became an epicenter of the crisis. Most of the able youths in the town took advantage of the situation to show their grievances to the affluent and the ruling elites. The brigandage and arson that happened at that time was unimaginable, that singular incident should serve as an eye opener to the elites about the need to invest in Ogbomoso. The town is now economically viable considering the success stories of the likes of Brent Mall, Bite More, BOVAS and the likes. The population of those restive youths constitutes great menace to the image of our peaceful community; these platoons of touts are familiar faces in any social party, junctions and events in the town. They harass innocent people through their act of praise singing all in their desire to get few crisp notes from the elites.
It is therefore pertinent for the likes of Hon Sunday Dare to rise to the occasion; Hon Sunday Dare heads a very important ministry whose mandate covers the interest of the youths, he must be commended for the newly constructed Primary Health Centre at Pakiotan, the release of almost 100 million naira for the completion of the National Youth Development Center at Idi Ayin and the likes.
But he can do more. Hon Sunday Dare must ensure that those youths who belong to the class of “Baba rere, Baba ke” are made to acquire vocational skills in those youth centers, those that have the required academic qualifications should also be assisted to get federal government jobs.
Hon Sunday Dare should strive to beat the record of Hon Mulikat Akande-Adeola, whose record in the area of federal employment for the people of Ogbomoso remains unprecedented, he should try to clear the notion that those federal jobs that he have access to are being diverted to Lagos and Jos.
It is incumbent on other political office holders and the affluent to assist out teeming youths to be properly engaged in order to safe our town from this malady of thuggery. Ogbomoso First Group has opened the door for such great intervention, others should follow suit.

Adewole Aderemi

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