Eid-el-Kabir: ADP offers rice packs to members, debunks rumour of defection to PDP

The chairmanship candidate of the Action Democratic Party, ADP, Ogbomoso South local government, in the last local government election, Hon. Joshua Olusola Afolabi, has distributed rice packs worth 2kg each to members of the party and others towards making the Muslims in their fold enjoy some relief.

Hon Joshua Olusola Afolabi

The event held last week at the party’s meeting venue, Ijeru Baptist Day Basic School, Caretaker, had hundreds of people benefitting.
Hon. Afolabi, fondly called “Afoo,” told ogbomosoinsightonline.com that the aim was to felicitate Muslim members and offer them little in the spirit of the Sallah festival.
He informed that he had no ulterior motive in respect of his gesture but only to rejoice with their brothers and sisters who are Muslims and offer them little assistance.

He insisted these three defected alone, saying no party supporter joined them in what he described as a charade.
“Our chairmanship candidate, Hon Afolabi, Afoo, is a leader that is compassionate, and who loves his people, he provided the items distributed today. He should be commended.”
Adelove continued, “I want to react to the rumours circulating that we have defected to PDP, there is no iota of truth in it, it can only be conceded that just three councillorship candidates of our party were lured into the PDP, I can confidently tell you that they did not succeed in taking with them other members. ADP remains our party and our members are loyal. Their defection can best be described as a charade.”
Some beneficiaries who spoke with ogbomosoinsightonline.com lauded the party for the gesture, assuring they would remain committed to the party.


“We felicitate with Muslim members in our growing party and others who love us, in view of the Eid-el-Kabir celebration. It is a thing of joy that we are alive to witness this year’s festival. We have no ulterior motive, our aim is to put laughter on their faces.
“We have no bias neither in terms of religion nor ethnicity, and we will do the same during the Christian festival; in our party we support all equally.”
Another leader of the party, Abayomi Aderonmu, also speaking, affirmed that his boss, Hon Afolabi is a considerate man, who loves the people, and is always ready to alleviate the plight of the masses despite losing in the last election.
Aderonmu, popularly called Adelove and who lost the councillorship election for Isoko ward during the said election, meanwhile debunked the rumour making the rounds that they had defected to the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, asserting that only three inconsequential councillorship candidates allowed themselves to be lured.

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