Nigeria shall rise – AKK, salutes youths’ creativity, resilience 

Nigeria shall rise – AKK, salutes youths’ creativity, resilience 





Dr Adewale Kolapo Kareem, a gubernatorial aspirant in Oyo state, has congratulated Nigerians on the occasion of the country’s 64th independence anniversary today, October 1, 2024.


In a statement he personally signed, Dr Kareem said it’s a beautiful milestone despite the challenges Nigeria faces but expressed high optimism that the country shall rise above these challenges, triumph and realize her great potentials.


AKK as he is fondly called by admirers charged every individual to work collectively and creatively for the greatness of Nigeria while charging leaders to be more responsive to the yearnings of the people.


Titled, “Statement of Dr Adewale Kolapo Kareem (AKK 2007) on the occasion of Nigeria’s 64th independence anniversary,” it reads in full:


Happy 64th Independence Anniversary, dear Nigerians!


It is beautiful thing that we mark and celebrate this milestone, and despite the twists and turns of our democratic journey, I truly join the voices and honour the indomitable spirit that has propelled us forward. Today, we pay tribute to the resilience that has become the hallmark of our nation, one molded in the furnace of hope and perseverance.


Our 64-year journey has been a mix of trials and triumphs, and it is integrated with the threads of struggle and sacrifice. From the dawn of independence on October 1, 1960, to the present day, we have piloted the complexities of nation-building. We have confronted the darker aspects of our nature and risen above them, – our collective soul has been toughened by the fires of adversity.


Despite our diversity, we are bound together by a shared aspiration, a Nigeria where prosperity and democracy blend together. This unity of purpose is our greatest strength, it is the polestar that guides us toward a transformed reality. We acknowledge the uneven terrain of our past but affirm our unfaltering resolve for a better tomorrow.


Independence has bestowed upon us the gift of democracy, it has empowered us to shape our destiny through the exercise of free will and informed choice. When the shadows of discontent lengthen, we must remember that we hold the power to illuminate our path ourselves. The responsibility for crafting our future lies with us, and the agency for change resides in our collective hands and reasonable democratic actions.



I subscribe to the fact that the struggles of Nigerians are real, and our voices demand to be heard. We urge our leaders to listen attentively to the yearnings of the people, and to channel their energies toward creating a better life for all. Let us bridge the gaps that divide us and build a united front against poverty, inequality, and injustice.


To the young people of Nigeria, I personally salute your vibrancy, your creativity, and your unyielding optimism in this country. You are the bedrock of our nation and the pillars upon which our democracy stands. Your energy has powered our progress, and your innovative spirit will propel us toward a pathway of progress and greatness.

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As young Nigerians, you stand on the shoulders of giants who fought for our independence. You are the today and tomorrow of our nation, and you are endowed with the same potential for greatness that defined our forebears. Your contributions across various sectors inspire us, and I put before you, a challenge to rally others to join the cause, to craft a trajectory of growth, innovation, a framework of advancement and a legacy of reform that will transform our nation.


A day like today affords me the opportunity to reflect on my own contributions to Nigeria’s development. I am reminded of my very little effort, no matter how small it is, I understand it counts on the broader podium of our national story. Though I have to keep doing my part like we all must be committed to doing, but again, I believe that with greater collective action, more meaningful change can be achieved.



I firmly believe in Nigeria’s greatness, in the boundless potential of its people. The Nigerian dream is not a mirage; it is a reality waiting to be actualised through our collective efforts. We can transcend our limitations, overcome our challenges, and rise to unprecedented heights.


In spite of the tempests that might have battered our shores, Nigeria remains great – a nation sculpted in the fire of resilience, tempered by the trials of our past. Let us draw strength from our triumphs and recommit to working together toward a radiant prospect. We shall overcome, and we shall rise to our best era yet.


Happy Independence Day, Nigeria! May our unity, resilience, and collective determination illuminate the path to a glorious future. God bless this great nation. And God bless us all.


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