Make your community hot for criminals’ – Traditional ruler Alaaje tells colleagues, harps on supporting orphans

Make your community hot for criminals’ – Traditional ruler Alaaje tells colleagues, harps on supporting orphans





A traditional ruler in Ogbomoso, Oyo state, HRH Reuben Adesina Amao (JP dss dir fsi), Alaaje of Aaje Ologo, has urged his brother royal fathers to make their communities inconducive for bandits and other criminals noting only by being proactive is the surest measure to be on top of security situation in their domains.


Oba Amao, a security expert, gave this advice during a chat with recently.


“The security breaches in the country have continued to escalate rather than abate. Bandits and herders continue to have a field day unleashing mayhem on farmers and other rural dwellers. They kill, maim, rape and kidnap for ransom,” he lamented.


Alaaje who retired as an Assistant Director General of Department of State Services (DSS) emphasizing this point highlighted some measures which he noted should be followed to curb infiltration of criminal elements into communities.

“Security control is primarily the task of government but it is everybody’s business if holistically looked at. The citizens especially traditional rulers in rural areas need to critically and proactively support government, they are the traditionally, chief security officers in their domains. We have active role to play in maintaining peace and stability. We are part of the government and we are at the receiving end, our people, and that is why we must be up and doing.”


Some of the measures he advocated are “each community must ensure proper boundary demarcation and erection of signposts announcing the name of their community, this is important for easy description in cases of emergencies. This also is a source of revenue to government. When government gets revenues from your community you become noticeable to them. Also, rural communities must take step to open a register for foreigners, non-natives and constantly monitor their activities. This will help curb infiltration of criminally-minded individuals.

“I must add that we must support security agents in maintaining arms control, frivolous possession of arms, and their displays should be frowned at and illegal owners of arms exposed to security agents. In the same manner, the so-called waste scavengers (jaribola) need to be registered, anyone that will scour our communities and are non-registered should be disallowed.


“And to avoid conflicts among farmers and herders, regular meeting should be conveyed to allow ironing out of disagreements and simmering issues discussed, to nip potential conflicts in the bud. Also, traditional rulers should make strenuous efforts to learn and understand a smattering of the languages of foreigners in their midst especially Fulfude language of the Fulani people for obvious reason. Furthermore, the bounds of landlords should be properly spelt out so that they don’t become tools for charlatans and unscrupulous characters parading as community leaders, and so that they don’t become accomplices in land grabbing criminality.


“In addition, sustenance of amity is essential by clarifying and maintaining hierarchial order and seniority among chiefs and elders, carry out enlightenment on land grabbing law and ensuring its enforcement in conjunctions with security agents, working out sound relationship with security agencies through active participation in PCRC activities, and support for local vigilantes. Traditional rulers should encourage security education through seminars, lectures, public enlightenment etc. There should be clarification between culture and laws to enhance our efforts in maintaining security.”


The retired Director of DSS said further, as he evinced passion, “We should realize that the way things operate now especially in the traditional institution has changed; modernity has eaten deep into the system and a traditional ruler can’t act the way it was done in the early 20th century, this is the digital world, we need to be compliant, people are now more aware of their rights, we need to evolve to be in consonant with modern needs and avoid unnecessary frictions.


“We should make conscious efforts not to worship money but seek to promote values as culture, custom, ethics, character building, mores, integrity etc. Youths should be monitored and guided. We must task ourselves to create the kind of society we want and not leave everything to evolve untamed.”


He maintains, “Obas, Baales and chiefs should see themselves as the chief security officers in their community who will be held responsible for any untoward happenings. Security is a serious business and business of all. Hence, they should resolve all land problems and eschew being originators of criminal acts. Obas are now being kidnapped, it is a serious thing. I advise traditional rulers to enhance security architecture in their abodes and vehicles using modern techniques to track hooliganism, kidnapping etc.


“Also, rash actions should be avoided, matters should be thoroughly investigated, professional handling of issues should be given priority in circumstances. Traditional rulers should familiarize themselves with Chieftaincy Laws and Declarations in order to always remain within the purview of law. Just like a pastor without knowledge of the Bible, Muslim with no dexterity of the Quran, and likewise a traditionalist without traditional account book may make a mistake that could lead to molestation by the law enforcement agents, so as traditional rulers let us equip ourselves with necessary knowledge to avoid embarrassing moments. And before chiefs and traditional helps are appointed there should be what is called ‘vetting’ in the traditional way.”



Similarly, Alaaje urged the society to assist the poor particularly widows and orphans, stressing that assisting the orphans is helping ourselves because “doing that we will be taming anti-social tendencies. When orphans and vulnerable children are helped to pursue education or learn a profitable skill we keep them off the street where they may be lured into various vices. If not taken care of they may lose focus and be enticed to join bad gangs to feel ‘relevant’ in their own way.”


Oba Amao who runs a non governmental organization, Ebun Abigail Asakun Widowhood Foundation said this year they will take orphans and others under their care to a correctional centre in order to hammer it to them that any individual that takes to crime will end up in such restricted places and to let them know that having underprivileged upbringing is not an excuse, adding, “But we will also take them to recreational centres to feel loved. In December we have prepared special gifts for them like ankara and so on. I plead with us who are better off to take it as a duty to assist the widows and orphans in our vicinity. Our foundation cares within our capacity with donors’ help, for the vulnerable in our rural community.”

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