EYESORE OF A COMMUNITY: Ogunlola Hall Ogbomoso collapses, vandalized 

EYESORE OF A COMMUNITY: Ogunlola Hall Ogbomoso collapses, vandalized 





Shockingly, the roofs of the imposing Ogunlola Hall, Oja’gbo, Ogbomoso, has caved in turning it into an edifice unfit for use.


ogbomosoinsightonline.com learned of its dilapidated condition through a social media post by a concerned indigene, Prince Adegbile Adeomi, who appealed to the Oyo state government to step in urgently for its repairs.


When ogbomosoinsightonline.com visited the place, built magnificently in the city centre it is an eyesore. Most of the roofs have caved in. The iron beams could not support the iron sheets any longer resulting in ceilings also falling down. Simply, the hall cannot be used for any event again unless repaired.


Further investigations revealed vandals have been having a field day in the edifice carting away irons and roofing sheets and other valuables.



“The roofs began to give in few months ago maybe since about May,” a local government worker – Ogbomoso Central LCDA, which uses the place, told ogbomosoinsightonline.com, on the condition of anonymity.



”Since then, thieves have been invading the place, up to three times now, to steal iron sheets and rods and other things. The council has informed the necessary authorities at Ibadan and it has been inspected twice but so far nothing has been done, it is getting worse,” the source added.


Recall the hall was renovated during the regime of late Governor Abiola Ajimobi (2011 – 2019), with millions of naira spent on the project. The damage which nevertheless happened so soon is testament to the poor quality of job done.


The hall built by the community through the Ogbomoso local government was commissioned in 1963 by late Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, when he was Premier of the Western Region (now defunct). Until its renovation by the late Governor Ajimobi it maintained a good condition.


According to Pa Afolabi Olaniran, a retired director at National Business and Technical Education Board (NABTEB), that was the second community hall in the modern time informing the first one was within the vicinity of the palace. “Infact l was a labourer there as the contractor Pa Ogunrinde was my uncle and guardian. It was built by the council.”


Meanwhile, concerns are being raised as to where the Ogbomoso Parapo annual general meeting (AGM) will be held later in the year (December 26). This is the venue that has hosted the meeting probably from inception except during the renovation by the last administration when the AGM was held at the Soun Stadium.


It’s an eyesore that needs to be seen to urgently since the tower is a symbol of pride in Ogbomoso, venue for different events including political rallies.


It’s a messy sight presently that needs immediate intervention.

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