Makinde’s LAUTECH ramping up international collaboration for global prominence and impacts 

Image caption: Governor Seyi Makinde

Makinde’s LAUTECH ramping up international collaboration for global prominence and impacts 




The appointment of Professor Rasak Olatunde Rom Kalilu as Acting Vice Chancellor of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Oyo state, in June 2023, by the administration of Governor Seyi Makinde, the Visitor to the university, has proven to be strategic as the institution now fosters internationalization at a greater level towards enhancing global visibility.


“Prof Kalilu will give the university internationality,” a don at the University of Ibadan once said during a (casual) discussion.


Internationalisation is considered by universities and policy makers across the world to be one of the most significant aspects of an institutional strategy. Universities are thus increasingly opening their doors to peer institutions in other countries.


With enthusiasm, the policy is being explored and embedded in the structures of universities. It is potent for availing universities of several benefits which include student mobility and international research collaboration, inculcation of knowledge of international issues and exposure to international opportunities; enhancement of university rankings; and bolstering of intercultural experience for greater intercultural competencies to make students and staff adaptable and able to communicate and operate appropriately and effectively in multicultural teams and environments, thereby recording a spike in competitiveness.


LAUTECH have a reputation for academic excellence built over the years.


The Chief Executive Officer of Supply Chain Africa. (SCA), Mr. Adebayo Adeleke, corroborates this, when he declares recently, “LAUTECH stands as a distinguished research institution in Nigeria. The discussion of state universities or research institutions in Nigeria would be incomplete without mentioning Ladoke Akintola University. Thus, it is imperative to embrace and associate with success.”


Adeleke conveyed this viewpoint during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of a N5 billion research laboratory donated by his company, SCA, to the university.


The assumption of office of Professor Kalilu as Acting VC some ten months ago has witnessed a paradigm shift resulting in a spike in internationality outlook of the institution. His administration has intensified efforts in an endeavour to establish fruitful collaborations with reputable partners in academia, research, and industry, whose objectives align with the university’s. The approach aims to formulate a comprehensive international strategy in order to cultivate graduates and researchers with a global perspective.

Prof Kalilu

It is enthusing noting Professor Kalilu and his team unfurling a commitment to global expansion.


Scholars in the university are motivated to increasingly to compete and attain greater global presence for improved sellability and recognition.


During the 16th Convocation ceremonies of the institution, some of its leading scholars were recognized and honoured. The scholars who are 12, inspiringly won national and international research grants amounting in value to over N207 million.


Kalilu, a Professor of Art and Art History, asserted, to underscore the new direction, that encapsulates his vision, in response to the SCA gesture referenced above, “We are trying to reposition the university so as to make positive impact at the global level. So, this supply chain management laboratory will afford the university to have staff and students exchange programmes with other organizations. That is the significance of the gesture by Mr. Adebayo Adeleke.


“This will enrich the knowledge and ideas as well as technology of our students and staff to collaborate with their peers outside the shores of Nigeria. So also, we will be able to make impact with activities of other researchers and students who will be collaborating with us,” emphasizing, “the university is open and free to different ideas that can make it grow and have positive impact in Oyo state, in the country and the global stage. So, every stakeholder that may be interested in partnering with us is welcome.”


A former Deputy Vice Chancellor of the same institution, he has been relentless in this drive to enhance the internationalization policy of the university by creating framework for its achievement. Amazingly, this is yielding positive results.


He boasted during the university’s 16th Convocation ceremonies, “In the last one year, the University made concerted efforts to internationalise its operations. To this end, we are into collaboration for research, pedagogical and staff and students exchange with the following non-Nigerian universities: University of Utah, Utah, USA; University of Kentucky, USA; University of Eswatini, Eswatini; and Cape Peninsula University. Peninsula, South Africa.


“Also, we are almost concluding our collaboration processes with the Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China and Bowie State University, Bowie, USA (on-going talks towards collaboration).”


He also submitted, “Further to these collaborations, this University had, within the last ten months played hosts to nine researchers and five students from the above institutions and other ones. In fact, one of our guest researchers, Dr. Janson Hendry from Max Planck Institute of Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany being hosted by our Centre for Infectious Disease will be presenting a seminar in this University this afternoon.”


He went further to reel out some of his specific achievements, which he stressed are in accordance with the mandate of Governor Makinde.


“I came onboard this administration shortly after the 15th convocation at a time the University was in dire need of new directions with daunting and enormous challenges that resulted into unstable academic calendar, largely deteriorated facilities; demoralised and agitative workforce, and mistrustful and restive University community. With the committed support of the Governing Council, especially the Chairman, Professor Ayodeji Omole, the Senate, Management, Staff and Students, we introduced innovations and effective leadership with a clear direction that stopped all forms of agitation and repositioned the University thereby making it peaceful, efficient and internationally visible.”


Furthermore, his outreaches are paying off. The Soun of Ogbomoso Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye visited the institution two weeks ago during which the Acting VC proclaimed the linkages he said the monarch provided for collaboration with universities and bodies in the USA capable of driving its internationalization policy.


Someone like Kalilu, with a broad international perspective and the capability to facilitate globalization, being appointed to lead at LAUTECH exemplifies Governor Makinde’s vision for the 34-year old institution. It is characteristic of Engr Makinde, who consistently displays a remarkable talent for appointing skilled individuals to his administration. This appointment serves as yet another illustration of his leadership prowess.


Prof Kalilu emphasizes, “The academic outlook of this University is rapidly changing in our bid to fulfil the mandate of the University and the vision of the Visitor, His Excellency Engineer Oluseyi Makinde.”


He is certainly Makinde’s joker to propel LAUTECH, in the wave of Omituntun 2.0., to the next pedestal.

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