SGF George Akume, Olú of Warri congratulate Oba Ghandi ahead coronation

SGF George Akume, Olú of Warri congratulate Oba Ghandi ahesd coronation




Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) Senator (Dr) George Akume, fim, CON and the Olú of Warri His Majesty Ogíame Atúwàtse III, CFR, sent congratulations to Soun of Ogbomosoland His Imperial Majesty Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III, ahead his coronation today, Tuesday, December 19, 2023.



The historic event to be presided over by Oyo state governor Engr Seyi Makinde at Soun Stadium Ogbomoso will have as major highlight presentation of staff of office to Oba Orumogege III.


Senator Akume who acknowledged “with profound gratitude your kind invitation as a Special Guest,” but expressed regret he would be unavoidably absent due to “prior commitments,” wrote, “I wish to join the entire people of Ogbomosoland in extending our heartfelt congratulations and deepest felicitations on your ascension to the revered throne of the Soun of Ogbomosho.”

Governor Seyi Makinde

The SGF described the appointment of the new king as “a testament to your exceptional qualities, leadership potential, and unwavering commitment to the progress and well-being of your people.”


Acknowledging the role of royal fathers as “custodians of our rich traditions and cultural heritage,” and as “pillars of societal guidance, fostering unity, promoting peace, and championing the development of their communities,” the former governor of Benue state lauded Oba Ghandi for his devotion to ministerial work before his ascension.



“Your personal journey, Your Majesty, is a shining example of this. Your success as a renowned Pastor of one of the largest Redeemed parishes in the United States, coupled with your accomplishments as a successful businessman, speaks volumes of your wisdom, dedication, and unwavering faith in God.”


The SGF further said, ‘Your humility and dedication to your people are further testaments to your worthiness for this esteemed position.


“I am confident that you will lead Ogbomosoland with faimess, firmness, and a deep sense of justice, guiding your people towards a prosperous and brighter future.”


He meanwhile disclosed the vacuum of his physical absence would be filled by Sir Olusegun Adekunle, OON, a retired Permanent Secretary in the SGF Office, whom he noted is “a distinguished son of Ogbomosho.”


The Olu of Warri penned, “My Dear Brother, On behalf of the people of Warri Kingdom, It is with great delight and excitement we extend our sincerest and heartfelt congratulations to Your Imperial Majesty Oba Ghandi Afolábí Qláoyè – Òrumogège III, on your coronation as the 21st of Soun of Ògbómosó Land.”


The Olú continued, “My dear brother, you were born to lead the people of Ògbómosó Land at a time such as this and we recognise without any doubt the significant role Almighty God played as you ascend the throne of your forefathers.

Orumogege III (left) and Atutwase III during the cultural visit

“As a Pastor, you excelled in taking the message of our Lord Jesus Christ to the poor in Spirit, the brokenhearted and set captives free. As a shepherd to everyone in Ògbómosó Land, we are unalterably convinced you bring to bear the same Spirit of excellence as you take your industrious sons and daughters to greater heights. May God bless Your Imperial Majesty and the people of Ogbómosó Land


“As we use Cultural Diplomacy for Development to transform our traditional institutions into impactful partners in the quest for accelerated growth and development for our people, it is our fervent prayer that in leading our people at a time such as this bring. joy, peace, progress and unity to our people. May God bless Your Imperial Majesty and the people of Ogbómosó Land.


“As we thank God for making the collective aspirations of the people of Ògbómosó Land come to pass, we are acutely aware that achieving one aspiration brings new challenges at another level. Therefore, we pray that the Lord who brought this to pass will give you the strength and wisdom to achieve more for Ogbómosó Land.


“Your Imperial Majesty, please be assured of the unflinching support of the Crown and the Itsekiri nation.”


Recall that the first official visit to any Kingdom by Oba Orumogege III after his installation was to the Olu of Warri during which pledge of cultural exchanges between the two kingdoms was made.


Ogbomoso is presently engulfed in celebratory atmosphere in anticipation of the landmark occasion.


Today’s event marks the first of such in the last 50 years in the historical city when the late Soun Oba Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade III JP CON CFR was crowned by the defunct Western state government under the military administration of Brigadier Oluwole Rotimi.


Oba Ajagungbade III joined his ancestors on December 12, 2021, at the age of 95 and after ruling for 48 years.


Oba Ghandi was selected by the kingmakers on March 22, 2022, was officially proclaimed Soun-elect upon Governor Makinde’s approval of his nomination on September 2, 2023, and got installed by the Areago of Ogbomoso-led kingmakers on September 8, 2023.

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