FMW&H lauded over repairs on 3rd Mainland Bridge

Image caption: Third Mainland Bridge

Group lauds FMW&H over repairs on 3rd Mainland Bridge


The executive director and president of Maintenance & Protection of Infrastructure Initiative (MPII) Mr. Olusegun Kuti Aremu has praised the Federal Ministry of Works & Housing for the recent palliative repairs carried out on the 3rd Mainland Bridge in Lagos.


Aremu fondly called ASK saying the road had caused untold hardship to motorists and commuters expressed immense appreciation to the Lagos Federal Controller of Works for the intervention.

ASK urged the Hon. Minister of Works not to relent in making sure the remaining portion of the bridge is attended to before the situation gets out of hand.


He made the statement during the team’s visit to the Lagos 3rd Mainland Bridge.

ASK noted lack of routine and periodic maintenance and protection of our infrastructure and public properties had brought general underdevelopment to the economy while praying “all those concerned reawaken the spirit of maintaining and protection of our various infrastructure across the country.”

Aremu who is also the head and president of the Advocacy a nonprofit organization advised every Nigerian to imbibe the spirit of maintenance of nation’s properties that will bring about true infrastructural development.

He reiterated that “protecting public properties and infrastructure is everybody’s task that must be taken very seriously if we must enter the league of true developing or developed countries.”

“Our orientation must change. We need marathon attitudinal change in this country to make things as being experienced in other climes.”


Furthermore, he challenged the orientation agencies and indeed the ministries of information both at the states and federal levels to take up this very important task.

He added, “It is the duty of all of us to report to the appropriate quarters destructions of any of our public properties and where such properties are being defaced or going bad, it is our responsibility as patriotic Nigerians to report to the appropriate authorities.”

Aremu encouraged and calls on all Nigerians to join hands with their advocacy group in ensuring people are put on their toes to do what is right in the interest of all of us.

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