If you say Oba Ghandi is devpt bigot no problem but religious bigotry, it’s bunkum – Aare Musulumi

If you say Oba Ghandi is devpt bigot no problem but religious bigotry, it’s bunkum – Aare Musulumi





Aare Musulumi of Ogbomosoland Alhaji Abdulganiyu Atanda Owodunni has castigated those ranting that the Soun of Ogbomosoland Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III is seeking to weaken Islam in Ogbomoso saying the narrative is contrary to the truth.


Against the backdrop of allegation by some groups like the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), Aare Musulumi speaking on the issue last week through a press release on behalf of Ogbomoso League of Imams and Alfas and Special Committee on Islamic Affairs debunked the allegation says, “Soun though a Christian and a former Pastor he has not done anything to undermine or harm Islam in Ogbomoso.”


Owodunni, who is also chairman of Special Committee on Islamic Affairs continues, “He does not instigate any ‘divide and rule’ tactics and neither have we seen any hint suggesting a weakening of Islam.”


Aare Musulumi affirms that the only “sin” of Soun is standing by the truth in the vexatious issue of Chief Imam of Ogbomoso Sheikh Teliat Yunus Olusina Ayilara who is disclaimed by the Ayilara family as a non-member of the family and so demanding his removal.


“The Soun only stands by the truth, telling Imam Olusina to clarify the issue of his blood relationship with the Imam Ayilara family.”


He remarks further, “Indeed, Soun is not a religious bigot. If you call him a progress and development bigot we won’t contest that but to declare he is seeking to douse the light of Islam in Ogbomoso is far from the truth.”


Alhaji Owodunni avers those attacking Soun on the basis of religion are only stoking ember of hatred asserting the body dissociates itself from such and denounces the insinuation Ogbomoso is enmeshed in crisis.



“It is an orchestration to fan ember of hatred against him. We dissociate ourselves from that. The public should not be deceived. Ogbomoso is peaceful, not sitting on a “keg of gun powder.” Many make comments and write on the matter without understanding the root cause or perhaps chose to ignore the facts for their evil agenda.”

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