Islamic Affairs Committee berates Olugbon, insists Chief Imam Ogbomoso resolves paternity issue with Ayilara family 

Image caption: Alhaji Owodunni, Olugbon, Chief Imam

Islamic Affairs Committee berates Olugbon, insists Chief Imam Ogbomoso resolves paternity issue with Ayilara family 


The Tuesday outburst by the Olugbon of Orile-Igbon Oba Francis Olusola Alao declaring unflinching support for the embattled Chief Imam of Ogbomosoland Sheikh Teliat Yunus Olusina Ayilara has received a response from Special Islamic Affairs Committee in Ogbomoso, which described the position of the Olugbon as a stand with unrighteousness.


In a press release signed by the Aare Musulumi of Ogbomosoland Alhaji Abdulganiyu Atanda Owodunni and made available to newsmen Thursday, it is remarked that the Chief Imam imbroglio in Ogbomoso isn’t about the Soun striving to remove the Chief Imam or harm Islam but a matter bordering on unrighteousness.

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“We repeat that the Chief Imam crisis in Ogbomoso is not about our revered Kabiyesi His Imperial Majesty Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III, but about truth and lie; right and wrong; honesty and dishonesty; righteousness and unrighteousness,” the release states.

Oba Francis Alao’s position well reported by the media followed the appointment of Sheikh Habib Ahmad Adekunle Ayilara as the Palace Imam by the Soun of Ogbomosoland Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye, on Friday, August 30.

Oba Alao had stated matter-of-fact, “I, the Olugbon of Orile-Igbon, Oba Francis Olushola Alao, stand with the only Chief Imam Talihat Yunus Olushina Ayilara. Let him continue to perform his duties as the Chief Imam of Ogbomoso because he is the one chosen by the Muslim community.”

Olugbon began, “My attention and those of elders and critical stakeholders in Ogbomoso has been drawn to the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)’s criticism of the appointment of Habib Ayilara as the Palace Chief Imam by His Royal Majesty Oba Ghandi Olaoye, the Soun of Ogbomoso, on Friday.

“MURIC’s concern on the controversy is well noted.

“I, however, urge MURIC to sheathe its sword as various stakeholders in Ogbomoso are on top of the issue. Ogbomoso is a peaceful place with people of different religious beliefs cohabiting in love.


“As a major stakeholder in Ogbomoso Zone, and the Vice Chairman, Oyo State Council of Obas and Chiefs, I can confirm that stakeholders in Ogbomoso land are working hard to ensure that the Muslim community in Ogbomoso is not allowed to be divided. I am assuring MURIC and other Nigerians having concern on the ugly development that we will not sit by and allow promotion of division in Ogbomoso Muslim community.

“Besides, there is a pending suit on the matter in the court of law which means that Sheik Ayilara remains the Chief Imam except the court decides otherwise.

“I call on those fanning embers of division to desist, otherwise, they will meet their Waterloo.

“As a foremost traditional ruler, I am fully aware that monarchs do not have executive power over Chief Imams or other religious leaders. Our roles over religious groups, associations and others in our kingdoms are advisory. Only the government has the constitutional right to remove a properly installed religious leader, and such decision must follow constitutional process.

“As obas, we are custodians of our culture and traditions, rightly promoting our values and heritage. Traditional rulers in Oyo State are not partisan on religious affairs.


“Aside community leaders, the Oyo State Government does not interfere in religious issues. It is fair to both Muslim and Christian communities.

“Traditional rulers should be guided so they won’t fan the ember of division in their kingdoms. We should stand on the path of truth.

“I, the Olugbon of Orile-Igbon, Oba Francis Olushola Alao, stand with the only Chief Imam Talihat Yunus Olushina Ayilara. Let him continue to perform his duties as the Chief Imam of Ogbomoso because he is the one chosen by the Muslim community.

“MURIC and all Muslim stakeholders have no reason to worry because there is a pending lawsuit on the issue, and stakeholders in Ogbomoso are with the Chief Imam Talihat Yunus Olushina Ayilara.”


But responding the Aare Musulumi, Alhaji Owodunni who is also the chairman of the Special Committee on Islamic Affairs in Ogbomoso, on behalf of the committee and the League of Imams and Alfas averred that the Olugbon’s position is regrettable and uninformed.

Alhaji Owodunni noted that the Igbon monarch lacked adequate knowledge about the intractable crisis or that he is consumed in mischief to score a point against the Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Ghandi, regretting that he threw wait behind an individual abusing a “Crowned Head like him.”

The proprietor of the popular Akhabarudeen College, Ogbomoso, stressed all the decisions taken so far by Oba Ghandi on the matter are fully supported by the Muslim leaders highlighting that the major problem is the paternity issue Chief Imam Teliat Ayilara has with the Imam Ayilara family that has the statutory right to produce the Chief Imam at this time.

The statement said Teliat Ayilara was asked to settle this issue with the family since the family insisted he is not a bonafide member of their family but that he instead resorted to “blackmail” and hurling of abuses, asserting that Olugbon failing to address that issue but declaring support shows his bias.

Owodunni further observed Oba Alao is merely seeking attention saying as an arbitrator he claimed to be he has declared support for a party and so is unqualified just as he challenged him to name the other stakeholders he claimed are mediating in the matter and their efforts so far.

Also, Owodunni urged the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) and others dabbling into the matter to get their facts right through “dispassionate and meticulous” investigation noting that the Soun institution is the appointing authority for the Chief Imam in Ogbomosoland and has every right to intervene in the Chief Imam crisis.

He declared the support of the Muslim leaders for Oba Ghandi and his decisions on the issue emphasizing the Imam should rather settle with his family first.

“We found inappropriate the recent comment by the Olugbon Oba Francis Alao on the festering crisis of Chief Imam of Ogbomosoland.

“He made certain inauspicious claims which constrained us to respond so as to dispel the misconstruction and misrepresentation he projected.

“We repeat that the Chief Imam crisis in Ogbomoso is not about our revered Kabiyesi His Imperial Majesty Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III, but about truth and lie; right and wrong; honesty and dishonesty; righteousness and unrighteousness.

“There are six Chief Imamship families in Ogbomoso of which Ayilara family is one and is their turn. These families rotate the position and it is what has been in existence since 1818 when the first Chief Imam was appointed by the Soun. The Soun of Ogbomosoland built what is today Ogbomoso Central Mosque on the Soun royal family land within the then Palace. Soun has been the sole authority appointing the Imam of the Mosque, who is now regarded as the Chief Imam of Ogbomosoland, since 1818. No Court has vacated that authority and the Muslim Community in Ogbomosoland never contested that authority. It is the present Chief Imam, Alhaji Teliat Yinusa Olusina, that has ever engaged in such impunity.


“The problem started when the Ayilara family found out he is not related to them by blood. Naturally, they raised an alarm. They petitioned the Soun who is the highest authority on the Central Mosque, and he instituted an investigation led by a Muslim. The committee recommended that Teliat resolves the matter with his family. A simple matter of proving his paternity with the family and providing indisputable evidences he has allowed to degenerate into this crisis. This same Teliat once said he had 14 siblings but none of them had come out to defend him.

“We the League of Imams and Alfas, the Special Committee of Islamic Affairs in Ogbomoso and other Muslim Leaders and Organizations stand by this decision too. But he started blackmailing us and the Soun, instead of proving his paternity with the Ayilara family.

“So, Olugbon’s comment is in bad taste. Olugbon declared unflinching support for the Chief Imam that has been insulting a Crowned Head like him. That shows his capacity as a leader. In all his commentaries he never referred to the real cause of the imbroglio, that is, the issue of Teliat’s paternity with the Imam Ayilara family, which has consistently maintained that he is not one of them and does not represent their family house, as the chief Imam.

“Olugbon in another breath, said stakeholders are resolving the matter. In the meantime, we challenge him to name the stakeholders he had gathered and their activities so far, as we, the Islamic Affairs committee and League of Imams and Alfas, we are the stakeholders of Islam for Ogbomosoland and we have told Teliat that unless he resolves his paternity crisis with the Ayilaras, he cannot continue as the Chief Imam of Ogbomosoland, a recommendation that we have made to the Soun of Ogbomosoland. Based on the above, Olugbon at best seems to be an attention seeker and commenting on what he has no knowledge about. In the meantime, we challenge him to name the so-called stakeholders or other mediators he has gathered and their activities so far. Have they visited the Palace of Soun or the Ayilara Family? Failure we will conclude he has an axe to grind with the Soun and he saw this crisis as a chance for his vindictive agenda. Meanwhile, we advise him not to meddle in a matter he is ill-informed about and we advise others like MURIC and other interlopers too.


“Olugbon ardently begged MURIC to “sheathe its sword.” We are not aware MURIC has raised a sword against the Soun. MURIC should be informed that not Soun but the Chief Imam himself and the Ayilara family that are the problem. MURIC needs to dispassionately and meticulously inquire into the matter like some respected Islamic bodies did in the past instead of merely reacting to slanted media reports. Islam abhors unrighteousness.

“Soun though a Christian and a former Pastor he has not done anything to undermine or harm Islam in Ogbomoso. He does not instigate any “divide and rule” tactics and neither have we seen any hint suggesting a weakening of Islam. The Soun only stands by the truth, telling Imam Olusina to clarify the issue of his blood relationship with the Imam Ayilara family. Indeed, Soun is not a religious bigot. If you call him a progress and development bigot we won’t contest that but to declare he is seeking to douse the light of Islam in Ogbomoso is far from the truth. It is an orchestration to fan ember of hatred against him. We dissociate ourselves from that. The public should not be deceived. Ogbomoso is peaceful, not sitting on a “keg of gun powder.” Many make comments and write on the matter without understanding the root cause or perhaps chose to ignore the facts for their evil agenda.

“We are not unawares of the pending court cases. However, it’s not Soun but Imam Olusina and his cohorts that instituted four cases against the throne of Soun that made him the chief Imam of Ogbomosoland. And he is the one along with his cohorts engaging in contempt of the court by their endless social media engagements berating the Soun. He is the one actually dividing the Muslim Community in Ogbomoso by his attempt to take what does not belong to him.

“On the installation of Sheikh Habeeb Ahmad Adekunle Ayilara as Imam of the Palace, it’s justifiable and we stand by the Soun. Moreover, His Majesty carried us along and we considered it a necessity. As Kabiyesi observed, Imam Teliat made himself ineligible to lead prayers in the Palace the moment he took the him to Court. That’s flagrant violation of the rules of engagement of the Palace. And resorting to hurling abuses on the Oba and those who support the Oba’s approach further disqualifies him from the role. Since the Kabiyesi needs an Islamic Cleric for various Islamic functions it’s only right another person, who is not controversial, respects traditional institution and elders, is appointed. Quran also preaches respect for Constituted Authorities. If the Oba is after whittling down the influence of Islam he would have done the selection unilaterally or sees it as an opportunity of cancelling the Friday prayers in the Palace altogether. We therefore align with this approach by His Majesty.

“We consequently warn those castigating our revered Oba to desist. We re-affirm it is within the authority of the Soun to interfere in any matter involving Chief Imam. It is rather unfortunate many base their comments on the faith of the occupier and not on the institution of the Soun. The throne of Soun transcends an individual or his religious faith; the Soun throne is Soun throne irrespective of the religion of the occupier, that is the mistake many make. If the present Soun is a Muslim he would have acted in similar manner.

“We stand by our monarch and restate our unalloyed support for him. We will continue to pray for his success on the throne. Long may he reign!

“Finally, we plead with those interested in the matter to ask him, Imam Olusina, to settle with his family first.”

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