Averting looming mass protest by Nigerians is possible and simple!

Averting looming mass protest by Nigerians is possible and simple!


Mass protest is not alien to any civil society. In France, mass protest and demonstration led to the overthrow of monarchy and establishment of the First Republic (1789-1799). In England in 1381, there was mass protest against taxation and social inequality. The history of mass protest in Nigeria is dated back to colonial era. Most significant ones were; Aba women protest against British colonial rule over heavy taxation leading to reform in 1929, Ali must go protest against the Minister of Education in 1978, protest against the annulment of June 12 election in 1993 and End SARS protest of 2020 which claimed many lives of innocent Nigerians among others.


Governance is give and take. Once the citizens vote an executive into power, the executive is duty-bound to deliver his or her manifesto. In case of breach of agreement, the citizens have right to peaceful protest to express their displeasure after meeting the Public Order Act (POA) and Police Act as well. Therefore, peaceful protest is constitutionally right. Once the root cause of a problem is known, finding solution is simple. It is a known fact that the cause of the intending protest is the present economic hardship that is hammering hard on almost all Nigerians as a result of fuel subsidy removal by the present government led by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (PBAT).


The singular act has led to high cost of all commodities both local and foreign, high cost of all services be it health or education and constant fall in Naira rate compared with other foreign currencies with particular reference to dollar ($) among others. The situation has thrown Nigerians into serious hunger. Citizens are dying of avoidable deaths and several dignified individuals have turned into beggars. Though, peaceful protest is constitutional, but I want to advise the government to be proactive by taking the right prompt actions like; commodity price control, urgent payment of new minimum wage and if possible, return the subsidy removal since it has contributed more harm than good. This is because, protest can metamorphose into violence and clashes with authorities, property damage and looting, disruption of public services and daily life, risk o injury or death, hijack of the protest by extremist groups, economic loss and human right abuses among others.


Instead of government running from pillars to poles to stop the protest by force and propaganda, it is advised that government should engage in speedy meaningful dialogue and negotiation with some identified leaders of the looming mass protest, take quick actions of relief against the current hardship that has pushed Nigerians to the wall, make a public media address of hope among other solutions. Good leaders are not shy to apologize to their citizens when they fail in their duties as well. I am sure Nigeria will be great again. God bless Nigeria.

Dr. Akintola sends this piece from Ogbomoso via 08033669857

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