Pastor Henry Newman celebrates birthday, we celebrate him too

Pastor Henry Newman celebrates birthday, we celebrate him too


An icon, Pastor Henry Newman (PHN) today turns 53. It is a marvelous thing to witness five decades and three years on earth. He is appreciative of this grace and has been full of praises and sending adoration to his creator and saviour. “June 18th Tuesday marks my 53rd birthday kindly join me in appreciating the goodness and kindness of God over my life, God has been so good to me (PHN),” he stated in a social media message.


PHN is a charismatic leader, amiable and a typical jolly good fellow. He is unassuming, connects well with people and harbours a nice heart, devoid of bitterness and envy. He is man that is happy about others’ successes and attainments; you see him at his best at such time crafting beautiful, enticing words of eulogies to celebrate them. He chants the good in others, rejoices when his fellows have cause to rejoice over an achievement or joyful in respect of a milestone.


An elegant personality with good command of English, his good nature is a magnet that continues to draw people and endear him to them. Nigeria trained, Ghana trained, the difference in culture has intertwined to mould him a unique personality with a broad world view.


A clergyman of repute, he serves his Lord with genuine heart, untainted by scandal, upholding with unequalled fear of God the godly biblical precept and forges ahead with un-diminished spirit of discernment. He has no airs, accords constituted authorities with high respect despite personal achievements. PHN is an enthusiastic individual, effective coordinator, encourager, motivator, spirit lifter and supporter of good causes.


He is a great supporter of The Insight (print and online) forging a viable patronage line. We cherish him and his family on this milestone.


Peace, sounder health, long life and greater prosperity are what we wish him. We pray the journey is just beginning, his vigour will be amplified, his strength shall be renewed, he will run without getting wearied, will mount high flying powerfully like an eagle triumphing against odds.

Happy birthday Pastor Henry Newman!

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