Pepper sellers mull strike action

Pepper sellers mull strike action




Pepper, tomato and onion sellers in Ogbomoso, Oyo state are considering embarking on a strike action to protest the continuous increase in prices of the commodities.


“Yesterday, we bought a bag of local pepper (ro-do) at N110, 000, this morning it’s N130, 000,” a Hausa pepper seller identified as Yisa, told at Ogbegun area.


“It is becoming unbearable. We witness increments in prices of these items almost on daily basis. We are fed up, it affects our businesses, customers are complaining, and many of us are closing shop,” he further bemoaned.


Investigations revealed that prices of essential commodities in the country have continued to soar, “not only peppers and tomatoes’ but for every good,” noted Mrs. Joke Adefila.


“It is becoming increasingly difficult as prices continue to rise for essential food items such as rice, beans, garri, yam, and maize. Things can’t persist this way, it is as if the common man is not meant to survive but if we do not whom will they govern over? Government must intervene,” Mrs. Adefila added.


Factors as increased transportation cost owing to fuel subsidy removal, bad roads, insecurity, unpredictable climate, shylock wholesalers and retailers and so on are adduced as causes of the skyrocketing prices.

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