Opinion: Position of governance and authority meant for the patriots not power mongers and wealth seekers

Opinion: Position of governance and authority meant for the patriots not power mongers and wealth seekers





One of the reasons why most African countries with particular reference to Nigeria are lagging behind in development and global standard is that most of the people in positions of governance and authorities are power driven and wealth seekers. Political posts should not be seen as parties, tribes, elites or certain group seats or heritage. The seats should be for the philosopher kings, the patriotic ones, the visionaries, intellects among other virtue-inclined leaders. Unfortunately, even traditional positions in Nigeria have been politicized. People that are neither credible nor worthy are the ones ruling because they are affiliated to the government of the day. How do you expect our society to grow? The likes of Obafemi Awolowo, Herbert Macauly, Dr. Namdi Azikwe, Ahmadu Bello, Anthony Enahoro and Samuel Ladoke Akintola were patriots that put their lives on the line to see that Nigeria got her Independence and grow. They were not power or wealth seekers, Citizens enjoyed the nation’s wealth maximally under their initiatives and directions. Such national cake includes free education, foreign studies, steady employment, perfect security, national integrity among others. Political office holders and traditional rulers of the old relinquished their post or even committed suicide ones they failed in their duties, what a great love and sacrifice! Unfortunately, most of the present leaders celebrate their failures elaborately. They carry out unimaginable act of deceits in the law court when asked to defend their wrong doings. The new national anthem brought back is commendable but will be really useful if our leaders are patriotic, attend to present plights of the citizens, give reasonable living wage to workers and also not just power conscious and wealth seekers.



Akintola PhD sends this piece from Ogbomoso. Can be reached via +2348033669857

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